New Moon in Sagittarius

Tonight and tomorrow night (12/3 & 12/4) we experience a New Moon in Sagittarius as well as a total Solar Eclipse - a very powerful combination. It’s fairly well known that New Moons are great times to plant seeds of intention, and as the Sun will be directly behind the Moon during the eclipse, it’s as if the energy of the Sun is supercharging the potency of what is carried inside that seed.

Sagittarius is the adventurer, the wanderer, the expander of consciousness, and as Jupiter is its ruling planet, it is also the more-is-better-er and the too-much-of-a-good-thing-is-never-enough-er. Sagittarius is future oriented, and always has its eye on the horizon. Sometimes the nature of Sag can be to gallop towards what’s next without having a clear vision of where it’s headed, and so the New Moon is a great time to look at the future you are working towards, and to see if that still aligns with who you are now. Are you working off of an old set of life-goals and desires? If so, now is a great time to update the points on your map that will get you where you actually want to go.

This New Moon and Solar Eclipse are also in a strained relationship with Neptune, which makes it a time that is rife with fantasy. So, when you are updating your map and desires, do your best to stay grounded in what is realistically doable for you. This is not to say make your dreams smaller. Make them big and grand and as exciting as you want! Just make sure that the plan you lay out for yourself is doable for who you are and where you’re at in your life, rather than aspirational.


Full Moon in Gemini


Full Moon in Taurus