New Moon in Aries

Well, if you didn’t feel like Spring had sprung just quite yet, this New Moon in Aries late Thursday night should do the trick.

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and the Moon are at the exact same degree in the exact same sign so there is no way for the Moon to reflect the light of its counterpart. As the Sun is the conscious self and the Moon is the unconscious self, a New Moon means that the conscious self is close enough to the unconscious self that those things that may normally be hidden from the view of the ego can be more easily felt and seen. These two planets (well one star and one planet) are joined by the planet Mercury, since it is also in Aries, and as Mercury is the planet of thinking and communication, we have a great opportunity today and tomorrow to really think about what we want and how to make it happen. It’s also a time to look at why we haven’t taken action towards the things we want. What is the fear? What is the resistance? Our work is to not let the thinking get in the way of the doing.

Aries energy is new energy, bright energy and childlike energy in both useful and un-useful ways. Aries is all about the wants and immediate gratification, so it can be quite a task to try to get Aries to slow down enough for some reflection on what is wanted to see if going after it is really the best idea. (You know that old experiment where someone puts one candy bar on the table in front of a kid and says, “You can have one now or five in an hour.”? Yea… Aries will not wait, but in an hour will definitely want five more, and will be pissed that they can’t have it all.)

That being said, Aries is an extremely initiating sign so if you’re someone who tends to take way more time than necessary to start something new, or take action on something that has been present for a while, it could be worthwhile for you to try to harness some of that Aries “I’m doing it because I want to and we’ll see” energy.

Aries is brave energy, and it’s time to think about what is holding you back from taking that chance of going after the thing you want. As the Hindu festival of Navratri (9 nights dedicated to the goddess) starts on Saturday, try cultivating the bravery of Aries by calling out to Durga Maa for help in overcoming the obstacle of timidity. Durga is known to ride the lion of courage, and she is able to cut down anything that stands in the way of your evolution. By imploring her to be by your side, the lion inside your own heart will start to roar, and her sword of discernment that lives in your own intellect will become sharp enough to help you navigate the confusing waters you are sure to find.

Her bija mantra is: Om Dum Durgayei Namaha. You can start repeating it tonight and continue through April 11, but you can also call on her whenever you feel you need a little boost of “I absolutely can do this.” (You can use mala beads if you have them, or just repeat it as many times as you like — the more the better).

It’s time to light the fire.


Full Moon in Libra


Full Moon in Virgo