Full Moon in Libra

On April 5 at 9:34pm PST, we are lit up by the Full Moon in Libra. This Moon is opposite the Sun and Chiron, which are coupled up in Aries, which brings up themes around the wounds we carry into our important relationships and partnerships. This includes the wounds that determine our attachment styles — in a generalized way Aries tending towards avoidant and Libra tending towards anxious. As both the Moon (our emotions) and Chiron (our wounds) are currently being lit up by the Sun, this is also an opportunity where we need to do the work of healing on our own as well as the work that will help heal us within relationship.

As Aries is the opposite sign of Libra, it only makes sense that Libra’s match to Aries’ “I am,” is “We are.” Aries is all about asserting the individualized self, and Libra can often put effort into maintaining relationships over putting effort into itself. Basically, for Aries, “I” eclipses “We,” and vice versa for Libra.

Aries is often associated with the child because of its position in the Zodiac as the first sign as well as due to its correlation with the rebirth of Spring. With the Sun in this sign giving an extra charge to Chiron, it is a very opportune time to dive into the stories we hold onto from our childhoods that have lived inside of us in a way that starts to determine how we relate in our closest relationships. Without doing this work, having a healthy attachment style (called “secure attachment”) is very difficult.
So often our inner wounded child is running the show, causing reactions and subsequent actions that our adult selves would never choose. Until we go in and show that little kid the love they felt they were missing, it’s very difficult to move into new patterns in which our higher self can prevail.
(Just a quick aside: a person with an anxious attachment style experiences immense feelings of fear and anxiety when the person isn’t around and always wants to get closer closer closer, while a person with an avoidant attachment style distances themselves when things get too intense and tends to harbor a fear of losing themself in the other.)
Healing that inner child can be as simple as closing your eyes, imagining yourself at a young age that sticks out to you and then having you as adult hold little you and telling them how much you love them and how cared for they are. For people who experience more avoidant attachment, you could give messages to the child that it’s safe to get close — that they won’t be overwhelmed by the needs of others their whole lives. Try it! It feels amazing.

My incredible partner (who has a shit ton of planets in Libra) once gave the analogy that being in a healthy relationship looks like each person on their own balance board reaching across space to hold the hands of the other in order to help support balance, but the majority of the stability must come from each person maintaining balance on their own as best they can. This doesn’t mean that the other person doesn’t help. It just means that each person has to do their own work and can’t expect the other to keep them on the board.
Each important 1-to-1 relationship becomes its own entity with its own characteristics, but the dynamism and growth possible from such relationships requires that each person maintains their own path. Even if that path looks very similar to the path of the other, each person must continue to traverse it in their own unique way.

Why do you lose yourself in relationships? Why do you run away? What does a healthy relationship in which each person is fully expressed look and feel like to you? These are the questions for this Full Moon.


New Moon & Solar Eclipse in Aries


New Moon in Aries