Full Moon in Aries

Tonight and tomorrow we will be under the light of the Aries Full Moon, and since Mars (the planet that rules Aries) is cozying up right next to the Moon, it is sure to be an extra fiery one. As Pluto is also in relationship with the Moon and Mars, we are implored to look at the deeper hidden, unconscious reasons we are prone to either act brashly, or to think ourselves out of any action at all.

Like every other sign, Aries has (as my mentor Dr. Jennifer Freed says) its most evolved manifestation as well as its most primitive, and it is up to us in regards to which of those two we occupy. In its more primitive expression, Aries can be selfish, antagonistic, tyrannical, and too quick to act. In its evolved state, Aries is #leadershipgoals, initiating, direct and fearless.

Since Mars is with this Aries Full Moon, it is very important to try not to act out of those patterns of attachment that would lead you to take action that is selfish, reckless and overpowering. Mars has a tendency to make us believe that we are running out of time, which only adds to the probability of stepping before we look.

One way to temper the tantrums of Aries is to look to its opposing sign, Libra. Libra is known for its thoughtfulness, discrimination, ability to mediate and impartial nature. The combination of these two signs has an incredible potential to catalyze those who tend to overthink themselves out of action, and likewise to cool the fires of Aries long enough for a thoughtful decision to be made.

This Full Moon reminds us that we need both the ability to take action as well as the ability to take that action from a deeply informed place.

As Pluto is in difficult relationships to both the Sun and the Moon in these couple days, it is the perfect time to reflect on what childhood wounds compel you to either act without thinking, be afraid of taking action, or to try to make sense of things to the point where you feel immobilized by indecision. If you don't go in to ask these deeper questions, there will always be a mistrust in yourself as to the decisions you choose to make.

With the Sun in Libra shining its light onto the Moon in Aries, meditate on what is keeping you from reaching some sort of balance between the energies of these opposing signs.


Full Moon in Taurus


New Moon in Libra