New Moon in Gemini

So... what are you listening for?

Early tomorrow morning (Thursday, June 10) is a New Moon in Gemini squaring Neptune. As the nighttime sky during the New Moon is always noticeably darker, it is the perfect time for introspection and silence - two things that are somewhat foreign to the sign of Gemini, which is all about communication.

More often than not, when we think of communication, what we're really thinking about is talking rather than listening. What do I want to say? What do I need to say to this person? What can I add? And, when we are in the act of communicating, it is very common to be in the position of listening in order to figure out what to say next, or pretending to listen until it's our turn to "communicate" again.

This is where so many unnecessary issues come from! We forget that communication requires both expressing our part (hopefully honestly and kindly), AND actively listening to what the other person or people have to say. Without the listening part, it's just monologue on top of monologue, which is extremely alienating for everyone involved.

This is also a time of listening in. In Yoga, the most solid and trustworthy information we can receive is what's called shruti - meaning, revelation or heard directly from God. That voice is inside of you waiting for you to listen, but its message is blocked when we communicate with ourselves from only a place of attachment and desire.

The other part of the picture (and this is where dreamy Neptune comes in) is, what are you listening for? Are you listening for what you want to hear rather than what's being said? Are you listening in search of how the other person is wrong? Are you listening for ammunition? Are you listening for connection? Are you listening for love?

Ram Dass - yes, him again 😃 - said that whatever it is we're looking for is what we'll see, and this goes for listening as well.

If you want to find where the other is wrong, you'll find it. If you want to find something to respond to that will make you seem more interesting, you'll find it. If you want to find the sweetness (hidden or explicit), you'll find it.

So much of our experience of the world and of our relationships has to do with what it is we are looking for, and having Neptune in a difficult alignment with this sign of curiosity can really cloud the picture so that what we experience is very far away from the reality of what's being said. This doesn't mean that you need to over analyze the conversations that you have - it simply means that you have to put in a little extra effort into staying present with what is.

Whether the fantasy of what you hear is amazingly beautiful or amazingly terrible, it all leads to an understanding that is not based in truth, and this can only create unnecessary pain.

Stay compassionate. Stay curious.

Basically, just shut the f*$k up and listen.

Looking for more insight into how this plays out in your life? Book a reading and take $50 of with code RETROGRADE through June 22, 2021.


Full Moon in Capricorn


Full Moon in Sagittarius