New Moon in Aries

Been waiting to take action towards what you really want, or to start something new? NOW IS THE TIME.

At 7:30pm PST there is a New Moon in Aries that is in harmonious relationships with Venus (love and desire), Mars (action, baby, action) and Jupiter (abundance and expansion).

I almost feel like that’s all I need to say, but I’ll explain more…

If you’re interested in Astrology, or you’ve read any of my New Moon posts before, you’ll know that the New Moon is the time to plant new seeds for what it is you want to see start to come to fruition before the Full Moon. The work may not be complete by the next Full Moon, but the growth will have begun.

This New Moon in Aries is all about new beginnings. Aries is the first sign of the Western Zodiac, and it corresponds to the first moments of Spring when everything starts to come back to life. It is no coincidence that Christ’s resurrection and rebirth was during this time of year!

As the Moon is in close relationship with Venus, Mars and Jupiter, it is a perfect time to set your sites on what you’re deeply drawn to - on what moves your heart - and to take focused action in that direction. The promise of Jupiter is that if you take agency over getting what it is that you want, you’ll get it in a more full and joyful way than you may have expected.

With that said, we have to remember that Aries was the God of War, and birthing something new can be jarring, disruptive, and almost violent in nature. Think of a stalk springing from a seed - the shell of the seed must be torn apart in order for its potential to find its full form.

This is also indicated with this New Moon as it is in a square (a difficult and transformative) relationship with Pluto. Beginnings can be quite painful in that they often force us to confront our shadows, and Pluto reminds us that shadow work is necessary if we want to unlock our full potential.

Through all of this, Saturn is still square Uranus, and as Saturn is the Old Guard and Uranus is the New, don’t be surprised if your idea is met with pushback internally or externally from what has been established thus far. As Saturn is also constraint, don’t worry if you don’t see evidence of your efforts right away. Remember - the stem of a flower is growing long before we see it emerge from the earth.

Interested in learning how this pertains to your life?


Full Moon in Scorpio


Full Moon in Libra