New Moon in Aquarius

What are you adding to your community? What are you adding to our world? Are you keeping your brilliance a secret, or are you sharing it so all may receive the benefit of the idea? How readily do you “let your freak flag fly”? These questions are a good starting point if you’re looking for how to work with today’s New Moon.

Although Aquarius is known as the “Water Bearer,” it is in fact an air sign, which makes it all about ideas, inventiveness, innovation and inspiration. Aquarius is forward thinking, ultra progressive, eccentric and revolutionary. In a blank astrology chart, Aquarius rules the house of friends and community, meaning that Aquarius is very much driven by what is best for the whole as well as by sharing their thoughts with those around them. It is also the sign most concerned with the uniqueness of each individual, and holds firm to the belief that the communal is made stronger by the full embodiment of each person — however “strange” that may seem.

Aquarius energy reminds us that we need to share our gifts with our communities, and that inspiring others comes from being most authentically you.

Aside from being cozied up right next to the Sun, this New Moon is also holding hands with Saturn, which teaches us how to share our ideas in a streamlined and cohesive way rather than the chaos of throwing ideas around that have no foundation or plan attached to them. Saturn isn’t the easiest planet for the energy of Aquarius as it can feel like its uniqueness is being tamped down by sober Saturn, but I would argue that that would be the response from the side of Aquarius that is still in its most juvenile stages versus the more evolved energy of Aquarius, which understands that in order for ideas to stick, there need to be actionable steps for people to follow. It’s sort of the difference between someone saying, “Hey! Turns out you can climb Mount Everest so I bought us tickets to Nepal and we leave tomorrow.” Versus someone saying, “Hey! Turns out you can climb Mount Everest so I hired someone to help us train for the trek, and we’ll be flying to Nepal in 16 months.”

Although organization may sound like a real bummer to the nature of Aquarius, ultimately it’s what allows “crazy” ideas to take hold.

Now go out there and get weird ;)


Full Moon in Leo


Full Moon in Gemini