Full Moon in Gemini

Tonight (12/7) at 8:08pst is a full moon in Gemini cozied up to the energetic, and sometimes overly aggressive, Mars.

Whenever Mars is next to another planet, it energizes the nature of that planet including whatever sign the planet happens to be in (yes, I know the Moon is not a planet, but writing “celestial body” over and over gets a little too tiring and woo woo for me). As both the Moon and Mars are in chatty Gemini, the desire to communicate is strong. As I talk with clients and friends this week, I’ve been telling people to stay away from taking action on any desire to “clear the air,” as when we communicate from a place of such urgency, most of us don’t usually express ourselves in as gracious a way as we’d like.
The Full Moon in Gemini already brings about the need to talk about our emotions, and with Mars hanging out as the Moon’s current bedfellow, the chances that tempers will flare are high. Since Gemini is the sign of telling stories, there is a strong likelihood that whatever it is you are wanting to say is based off of your stories about any given situation rather than from a place of discernment. Conversations rarely go well when they start from such a shaky place.

One thing I’ve learned over the past few years from my partner — who happens to have Gemini Rising — is the gift of the pause. I am someone who historically wants to work through conflicts or tough emotions immediately, so when he suggested that we wait until the next day to talk about a conflict so that we wouldn’t be so heightened, I saw the validity of the idea, and I also hated it. Like… a lot.
Flash forward, and it is one of my favorite tools to use when I am in a heightened emotional state — whether that conflict be an interpersonal, romantic, or professional — and it is also a tool I offer all of my coaching and astrology clients.

So, before you go about “getting it off your chest,” whatever “it” is, pause. Wait a couple days, and see if you still feel the need to communicate the same thing. Often times you realize that it’s just not important enough to bring to the surface, or if it is, you are able to do so from a much more grounded and peaceful place.

PS if you want to tap into the highest energy of what the Moon and Mars in Gemini has to offer, listen to the folk songs and protest songs such as Strange Fruit by Billie Holiday, This Land Is Your Land by Woody Guthrie, Imagine by John Lennon, or Masters of War by Bob Dylan to name a few. These offer a glimpse into how perfectly and powerfully Gemini can craft a message when coupled with intention and broader purpose.


Full Moon in Cancer


Full Supermoon in Sagittarius